Turning Humans into Phenomenal Beings by maximizing their Personal, Physical and Professional lives.
These 3 pillars have been deciphered, optimized, and built into the coaching programs at Back To Alpha. They help men and women achieve at the highest level. Before we can maximize each facet of your life, we must have these pillars in place as the foundation.

This is where we recognize our strengths and admit to our weaknesses. Accepting where you are currently and having the willingness to stand in your truth. This process can be difficult for some, and liberating for others.

Turning “WANT TOs” into “NEED TOs”. In order to take massive action and make the necessary changes in your life, a burning desire must be set ablaze. Mobilizing with your “WHY” as the starting point will drive the desire to create the relationships, body, and lifestyle you deserve

The willingness to adopt a specific set of attitudes that will allow you to dismiss excesses and thoughts that derail you from achieving greatness.
No more excuses. No more negative self-doubts. Your future starts right now.

Coach Coles
Craig Coles started his coaching journey in 2004 as a Strength & Conditioning Sports Performance Coach. His clientele included NFL, MLB, and UFC athletes as well as military, youth, college athletes, and CEO’s. Over the years, Craig realized his passion and purpose is inspiring and motivating individuals, groups, and teams to push through adversity and overcome obstacles. His success with clients led to many speaking engagements at various schools and organizations. Craig became obsessed with learning about human behaviors in order to help his clients gain maximum results. He incorporated his new knowledge so that it became an essential part of his training program. This transformed his career as a sought-after Performance and Life Coach.
You could say Craig’s journey started 25 years ago when he was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma and as a result in 2018 diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (heart disease) He believes he was able to beat the odds, defy the doctor’s prognosis, and overcome cancer and heart disease by shifting his mindset. Craig believes we utilize our minds, thoughts, and decisions to create our reality. Craig will help you create the life you want and to become relentless in pursuing results. With Craig, you will be guided to focus on the objective, not the object.
Back To Alpha is a lifestyle and fitness training program tailored to put YOU at the top of your game.