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back to alpha

Fully optimizing humans

Back To Alpha is a training program designed to thrust human beings into excellence. Using fitness as the platform, we employ a set of protocols, principles, pillars, combined with training regimens which  have been honed through discipline, knowledge, and rigorous hard work. We get High Performers Back To Alpha

the philosophy

Inside each and every one of us is an unstoppable force waiting patiently to be unleashed. Back To Alpha is just a set of attitudes and routines that help that juggernaut break through.


Ups and downs and setbacks are a part of life. What these life altering events do is create a DESIRE within us for change. What Back To Alpha clients are searching for is that spark that helps them become the Phenomenal Beings they were destined to be. This means being EXCEPTIONAL in their personal, physical, and professional lives.

Discovering your truth

“Know Thyself” -Plato


This is always STEP #1. Discovering your TRUTH is crucial to knowing what’s holding you back, how to move forward, and just how far you’re willing to push yourself to reach the pinnacle of humanity. This final point is about DESIRE.



Is your current health, financial, or relationship what you desire.


Are you willing to listen to elite coaches, and make the changes required to achieve excellence? If so, do you have the DISCIPLINE to stick to it?

If the answer is yes, then we will help guide you to the highest level. If the answer is no, then Back To Alpha coaches will get to the root of the problem, and help you destroy your limited beliefs that you hold, mentally, physically, and financially.

Meet your coach

Craig Coles
Performance and Life Coach

Craig Coles started his coaching journey in 2004 as a Strength & Conditioning Sports Performance Coach. His clientele included NFL, MLB, and UFC athletes as well as military, youth, college athletes, and CEO’s. Over the years, Craig realized his passion and purpose is inspiring and motivating individuals, groups, and teams to push through adversity and overcome obstacles. His success with clients led to many speaking engagements at various schools and organizations. Craig became obsessed with learning about human behaviors in order to help his clients gain maximum results. He incorporated his new knowledge so that it became an essential part of his training program. This transformed his career from the owner of a 20,000 sq. ft. training facility to a sought-after Performance and Life Coach.


You could say Craig’s journey started 25 years ago when he was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma and as a result in 2018  diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (heart disease). Unknowingly this was the birth of Back To Alpha.   He believes he was able to beat the odds, defy the doctor’s prognosis, and overcome cancer and heart disease by shifting his mindset. Craig believes we utilize our minds, thoughts, and decisions to create our reality.   Craig will help you create the life you want and to become relentless in pursuing results.  With Craig’s experiences, you will be guided to focus on the objective, not the object.




  • Accountability and Goal setting

  • Life Coaching

  • Performance Coaching

  • Weight Loss Coaching

  • Transformation

  • Nutritional Coaching

  • The pursuit of Excellence


Craig coles


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